Psychedelic Pointer

my blog on the world wide web

fancy shmancy!


its been a while, huh? sorry for no updates lmao. i just dont have alot of motivation as of recently and have also been a little busy :/ school is fucking awful. anyway i bought an aquabeads toy and my scrunched up adhd brain loves it!!!! i wanna make a new page but just...ehhh. i also got some mario trading cards AND a folder to store them in! i found them in the magazine section of a supermarket, i love it. i put some of my pokemon cards in the back!

02/26/2023 (23:31)

i want to cry. i have school tomorrow. augh.

i also want to cry maybe because of the fact that i am completely powerless and have to accept that i will never have any power to change the god awful education system and that we will always be insignificant to the upper hand and forever suffer through a system that disregards mental issues, disabilities, and denies the fact that it uses ineffective teaching methods and in general is outdated as hell, and that it makes me so mad i simply can not deal with it. or maybe because many neurodivergent kids with autism, adhd, ocd etc. do not gain anything from the current system. "oh everyones neurodivergent these days!" yeah because people are actually getting diagnosed now and going to therapy dumbass.

(new paragraph cuz its getting kind of hard to read) also because everyone tells me "well stop whining! its a part of life!" why is a part of life that is mandatory so mentally and physically draining then? for something that is supposedly "necessary" and "has existed for decades" its awfully unhealthy. isnt school literally a breeding ground for extreme burnout? pressure is placed on students, bullying is often ignored and mentally ill students are treated like rabid animals. eugh.

i also found an article at and one out of six students had enough symptoms and impairments to be diagnosed with disorders. one out of six, people.

anxiety disorders were also the most commonly reported one. hm.

anyway sorry for this reeeeeeeeeally long rant, im just angry as hell. i also transferred to a new school so im also pissed about that.


remade the blog page once again also learned to make scroll boxes! wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! ps: does the color scheme hurt your eyes? if yes, yay! cuz thats what i was aiming for! (probz a bad idea for a page where all you do is read but shh)

anyway, today was cool. though it took me a WHIIIILE to get this page setup, i think it turned out great!!!





-powered by shitty code and imagination-